On August 13, 2011, JIAO Jing and ZHU Chunlong, trademark attorneys from Genuineways, participated in Seminar on Trademark Review and Adjudication, Case Examination Standards and Cases Studies held by China Intellectual Property Society. In the seminar, experts discussed topics on the determination and protection of well-known trademarks, examination standards of well-known trademarks, enterprise trademark strategy, conflicts between the trademark right and other earlier rights and solutions thereof, preemptive registration of other’s mark that has been used and enjoyed a certain influence, trademark review and adjudication rules, rules of evidence in trademark administrative proceedings, examination standards on similar ods or services, examination standards on indications that have obtained distinctiveness through use, examination standards on canceling registered trademarks, in combination with typical cases. This seminar provided a wealth of information on determination and protection of well-known trademarks in practice and on conflicts between the trademark right and other earlier rights and solutions thereof, which equipped Genuineways with effective assistance in providing more professional trademark legal services for enterprises.