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10th Anniversary Seminar Held on China's Accession to TRIPS Agreement


On November 30, the China Intellectual Property Society held the "10th Anniversary Review and Reflection Seminar on China's Accession to Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS Agreement). The participating experts conducted in-depth exchanges around the influence on China’s intellectual property development and future challenges imposed by accession to TRIPS.

The experts generally believes that since accession to the TRIPS Agreement, the intellectual property cause of China is experiencing the course from passively fulfilling commitments to initiatively using the rules, and further to actively involved in the rule-making course. At the present, besides the TRIPS Agreement, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement have emerged one after another, and IPR bilateral negotiations are actively promoted, which should cause the Chinese intellectual property experts and scholars to attend to and think seriously.